Las Rumantschas (W)
The selection „Las Rumantschas (W)“ is representing the Romansh of Switzerland. Their language generated as own language isle from the huge territory of the Ladins. After the invasion of the Bajuwars from North and the Italians from South, the territory split into three parts (see I Ladins). This was the origin of the “Rumantsch” or Romansh. The language is one of the recognized ones in Swiss. Around 40000 people are belonging to this language minority. Descending from the Ladin, the language differentiated into five different dialects, the so called surselvisch, sutselvisch, surrisch, vallader and puter. The commonly used written language „Rumantsch Grischun“took its rise in 1892 by Heinrich Schmidt and was declared as third official language besides German and Italian in 2001. Despite these and other support measures the Romansh is displaced increasingly by the German. The canton of Graubünden attempted to avoid this huge increase with by adopting the “language law” in 2006. The “Lia Rumantsch” with its place of residence in Chur and branch offices in Laax, Zernez, Savognin and Zillis is the parent organization of all Romansh language associations and tries to get fundings for both Romansh culture and language. Moreover, “Lia Rumantsch” was the organizer and idea generator of the first EUROPEADA in 2008.
Las Rumanatschs (W) at the EUROPEADA
As yet don´t exist a woman tournament at the EUROPEADA
The squad at the EUROPEADA 2016
Nina Cadonau (1995 - US Schluein Ilanz), Ornella Columberg (1994 - US Schluein Ilanz), Tatjana Darms (1998 - US Schluein Ilanz), Gianna Lorena Decurtins (1994 - US Schluein Ilanz), Sina Demont (1996 - US Schluein Ilanz), Nathalie Deplazes (1995 - US Schluein Ilanz), Lisa
Dermont (1990 - US Schluein Ilanz), Dorathe Dolf (1990 - no homeclub), Alexandra Flepp (1995 - no homeclub), Anja Furger (1995 - no homeclub), Andrea Giger (1987 - no homeclub), Elena Hartmann (1990 - no homeclub), Chiara Innamorato (1993 - FC Thusis - Cazis), Gianna Christina Klucker (1997 - Caldwell University Cougars Athletics), Petronela Tgetgel (1995 - FC Thusis - Cazis), Fabiola Vincenz (1990 - no homeclub), Leila Cadruvi (1995 - no homeclub)
Patrick Haltiner (coach), Gian Beeli (coach), Josefina Bonolini (assistant)